The Evaluator Values 

At The Evaluator, we have always had a clear idea of what we do and why we do it. In 2024, we have clearly defined that with a statement of values.

The values represent who we are at heart, and what we do for our clients, as well as underpinning all of our work.

What are business values?

Business values are described as the core principles and standards that guide a company’s actions, decisions, and behaviours. They represent what a company stands for and are essential in shaping its culture, brand identity, and strategic direction. These values influence how a company interacts with its employees, clients, funders, and the community in general.

By clearly defining and consistently using values, organisations can create a strong, positive culture and a sustainable competitive advantage.

The Evaluator Business Values


Image of the evaluator ruler branding and the words creatively simple honest and useful

Our values are shown on the image above and are; Honest, Useful and Creatively Simple.

Core Value for The Evaluator: Honest

Honesty matters to us. When decisions are to be made about data – people need to feel that the results are honest. We need to be honest about how we have collected data – what questions did we ask, and where did we ask them. We are by nature, honest people, who say the truth, and that is the secret to our success. Honesty builds trust, and our clients know we will tell the truth. That means funders can trust our impartial evaluation too, and that has many benefits for our clients when it comes to applying for funding in the future.

Core Value for The Evaluator: Useful

What we are really passionate about is getting our clients to use data to make decisions! We want people to be inspired and enthusiastic about data, and what it can do for organisations. That means, we spend a lot of time focussing on what data people need and how they can use it. We train clients and the organisations we work with on how to collect the correct data, and how to understand the data. We often collect data for people too. What is essential to this value (usefulness), is that we collect the right amount of data which we can use. We do not collect large amounts of data that is stored and never looked at. We collect the right amount of data, which is often less than people expect, and use what we have collected. The secret to powerful data is about how it is analysed and used, not how much of it there is!

Core Value for The Evaluator: Creatively Simple

Data can be complex. We spend a lot of time and energy making it creatively simple for people to work with us. Examples of creatively simple ways to collect data are things like – sticker boards, marbles, hula hoops and giant dice. These have all featured in our work! There can also be creatively simple ways to demonstrate complex results and personal experiences to clients. This is a value that we are always working on in order to improve.

Why did we choose these values?

Founder and Director, Kirsty Rose Parker, explains “We have been working hard behind the scenes on articulating what it is that makes us stand out. Sharing our core values is the first step of this. We have looked carefully at all the steps that make up an evaluation with us. From listening to people at the beginning, to being creative with our methods at evaluation design time. We regularly challenge ourselves on how to be simpler, how to be more creative and also on how our work can be honest and useful. These values are now an everyday part of The Evaluator – helping us to grow as a team, whilst retaining our quality service and products.”

Why do values matter in evaluation?

These are our values, but we also often include client’s values in the evaluations we plan. We have helped clients decide what values work for new projects in the past, and then used those values to form the materials we create for clients. Having a short and memorable set of values is a great way to give new teams a frame of reference for their work. We look forward to a value-driven future creating great partnerships and measuring even more values.


If you are interested in measuring your values or helping to define them, then please get in touch on or call 01756 532 538 to book an informal discussion.

If you like what you have read here, but are not yet ready for a discussion, you can keep in touch with us by joining our mailing list or connecting with Kirsty on Linked In.

The link for our mailing list can be found here.

The link for connecting with Kirsty on Linked In can be found here.

72 Seasons – Trees turn Green Again

30th April – 4th May – Trees turn Green Again

Drawing of two trees silhouetted against a plain green background


After the bare, browns of winter trees, now is the time that they begin to regain their green colours. Have a look at Werner’s colours: These colours of nature were used by Charles Darwin, so he could be certain that the green he described, was the green everyone saw. Can you match the shade of green to specific trees?

Do you know the old saying ‘If the ash comes out before the oak There’ll be a summer soak. If the oak comes out before the ash There’ll be a summer splash.’ Why not have a look and see which is first in your area?
The Woodland Trust, have a free app for identifying British trees, which is available to download for Android & iOS. For more information, see here:


For more information, check out our 72 Seasons page:

New Client: Creative Vision

New Client: Creative Vision

We are excited to announce we’re evaluating a project with Creative Vision that delves into the rich oral history and heritage of Indian restaurants and the vibrant Bangladeshi community in the UK. Working in Luton, the project aims to capture the experiences of chefs, owners and community members who contributed to Indian Cuisine and culture in the UK.

These experiences will be brought together to create a book, containing real stories and interviews of Indian heritage in the UK.

We’re working with the project to evaluate and measure the impact on audiences, volunteers and participants and share our expertise in working with a wide range of communities.

Capturing impact in people’s own words

At The Evaluator we recognise the value of collecting qualitative information for our evaluations. We take pride in capturing the genuine impact our projects or organisations have on individuals through hearing about their experiences in their own words.

The questions we ask are often simple and open to encourage individuals to speak honestly and let their stories unfold naturally. We feel privileged to get to hear about the amazing feedback and stories from people, and we love to share these stories with our clients.

We would also like to share some genuine quotes with you, spoken by real people who have experienced the impact from some of our clients:

We have heard from volunteers

“I truly appreciate everything the team does throughout the year to keep things moving forward. Thank you for helping to make so many people feel empowered, and seeing all of the work being done leaves me feeling so much hope for the future. Thank you for shining a light on all that can be done to make live music more accessible and equitable!” – Volunteer

“That was the biggest opportunity I’ve been given and that changed my life” – Volunteer

“It is such a joy and has made a really positive impact on my life. It has even changed the direction of my career” – Volunteer


We have also heard from participants


“For my general health I consider [client] more important than the NHS” – Participant of a wellbeing service

“[Client] has just been a godsend for me. Absolute Godsend” – Participant of a wellbeing service

“I really enjoyed the course as I love art and it also gave me a push to get out of the home and socialise more thus contributing to my wellbeing. Thank you”  – Participant of an Arts project

Thank you for the opportunity. Since starting with [project] I’m growing in self confidence and feel like I’m getting my life in order again. I’m putting plans in place and I’m more optimistic for my future.” – Participant of an Arts project


If you’re interested in learning more about our evaluation processes or exploring how we can help your organisation measure its impact, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’d love to chat!

What are the Indices of Multiple Deprivation?

What are the Indices of Multiple Deprivation?

If you have ever read one of our reports, you’ll likely see reference to something called the Indices of Multiple Deprivation, or ‘IMD’.

We use the IMD as a powerful tool to analyse and understand the barriers and socio-economic status of audiences, participants, and volunteers. We use postcodes to measure the IMD status, and this means that people find it easy to answer. This does mean that we are looking at the household status too.
The results give our clients an idea of which people they are attracting to their projects and what barriers they may be facing in life.

Statistically, people who live within areas of greater deprivation have more barriers in their lives and are less likely to engage with the arts and nature and are more likely to have greater issues with their wellbeing. That’s one of the reasons funders do like to understand if projects and organisations are reaching people from the most deprived areas.
How are the indices of multiple deprivation worked out?
The IMD is worked out using a range of factors which are assessed across the UK and given a score. The factors are listed below:

  • Income deprivation: how many people in the area are experiencing low-income levels.
  • Employment deprivation: what is the rate of unemployment in the area?
  • Education deprivation: what are the average qualifications within the area, and how easy is it to access quality education?
  • Health deprivation and disability: what is the average life expectancy and disability prevalence in the area?
  • Crime: how much crime occurs within the area
  • Housing deprivation: how affordable is housing within the area, and are there other barriers to people accessing housing
  • Living environment: what is the air quality like in the area, and are there green spaces?

These scores are compiled to give a ranking, which are then categorised into ten deciles. The entirety of England falls equally into one of ten deciles, with decile 1 indicating the most deprivation, and area 10 having the least deprivation.
If you were targeting deprived areas, you might want to reach 50% of people living in IMD1 and 2 for example. Or if you wanted a perfect section of the UK represented in your project, you might want to see 10% of your audience from each decile.

We think the IMD is a useful tool and aim to use it in every evaluation where relevant.

72 Seasons – February

72 Seasons – February


Did you know that being outside and simply noticing nature can significantly enhance our well-being? However, with the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we can easily fall out of the habit of spending time in nature.

What if you don’t have any time? You might be a busy parent, you might work long hours and only walk to the bus stop and back. You might have to spend more time at home due to ill health. You might be studying hard at the moment.

Whatever you have going on, if you have lots of time or no time at all, 72 Seasons is a simple way to connect more with the nature around you.

72 Seasons encourages people to notice the subtle changes that take place in their surroundings every four or five days, (creating a total of 72 mini-seasons). Once a month, we’ll share the current season you can look for in your day-to-day, fitting around your life. You can look for the season as you’re driving to work, taking the kids to school, walking the dog, or taking a walk for yourself.

To stay updated with all the changes, you can follow the live seasonal changes on our social media channels such as Instagram, Facebook, and X.



Website –

To start your nature-noticing journey, here’s what to look for in February:

30 January – 3 February: Morning Grass Glistens

Next time you are out and about one morning, try and get a bit closer to the ground and see if you can see any dew drops shining in the sunlight. Depending on how much of an early bird you are, you might even manage to time this to coincide with ‘golden hour’ – the first 15 minutes or so after the sun rises when the world is bathed in a beautiful soft light, which can feel a bit golden. Even if you don’t catch the light, try and take a moment to appreciate the individual shapes of the grass stalks.

Recent Workshop Feedback

In December 2023, The Evaluator worked with Pendle Borough Council to revitalize their Creativity and Cultural Strategy. We pulled together data across various themes and subsequently organised and conducted two workshops. These sessions played a pivotal role in refining existing concepts and co-creating an effective action plan for strategy implementation.

Kerry, representing Pendle Council, had this to say, “It is really wonderful working with Kirsty. Her understanding and approach really worked for our group, and the sessions were focussed but flexible enough to let some great conversations emerge. It has been valuable for everyone involved.”

Cheers to a Festive Break: Wrapping Up a Year of Amazing Projects!

As the year draws to a close, we reflect on how grateful we are to work with such outstanding clients, providing evaluation and data analysis services throughout the year. It has been our pleasure to have been involved in some of the world-changing positive projects our clients have been working on.

In the spirit of the festive season, the Evaluator team will be taking a break to refresh and recharge during Christmas. Therefore, we would like to inform you that our office will be closed for the holiday period starting from the 22nd of December and will resume operations on the 8th of January.

We appreciate your understanding, and we assure you that we will return in the new year fully revitalised and ready to continue delivering our exceptional service.


Below are some of the clients we’ve had the pleasure of working with this year:


Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

New client: Community Arts by ZK

The Evaluator is delighted to be working on a new project, Healing Arts for All (HAFA) from Community Arts by ZK.

This project is place focused and based in Pendle, on our doorstep!

HAFA describes itself as a “3-year people powered art and heritage project”, funded jointly by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and the Paul Hamlyn Foundation.  The project will include participants working with professional artists as well as gaining an understanding of working within heritage.  Heritage will focus on understanding the history and impact of Pendle’s Brierfield Mill, an iconic grade II listed former cotton mill built in 1931.  This mill originally attracted the South Asian community to move to the area to work in the textile industry.

You can see more about  Community Arts by ZK on their website here. 

We are particularly looking forward to evaluating the personal impact that this project, blending creativity and heritage, has on the participants from the South Asian community.


Learning about data; Working with quantitative data

In a previous blog, we described quantitative data as data that can be counted or measured in numerical values. A spreadsheet is a good basis for organising data ready for analysis. Now let us imagine you have some data to hand, this is how you might want to try and use it.

Ways to analyse quantitative data.

Example 1: Looking at what the data tells you itself.

We generally start with calculating averages to consider the range of data (the highest score and the lowest score collected).  If we consider 2 sets of data (Data set A and Data set B):

From Data Set A, it is apparent that a similar experience was shared by the large majority of the audience because the average score is 40, but the range is from 36-44. That means the lowest answer was 36, which is quite close to 40 and the highest was 44 which is still quite close to 40.

However, in Data Set B, there was a much wider range of experience.  This should be questioned as to why experiences are so varied, illustrated by the wide range in the data.  Why did some individuals have such a higher score than others? Did some people have a different tutor, or venue, or have more time? There are many reasons why the range could be so high.

Example 2: Comparing data to other national data available.

Another possible way to compare data could be as in the worked example below where the Warwick Edinburgh Scale of Wellbeing was used to measure participant wellbeing.

Participants scores were collected over a period of time, firstly at the start of their engagement and then, at the end.  This graph represents a comparison in:

  • Each individual’s wellbeing from the start versus at the end. This is often a reflection of the impact of their engagement.
  • The individuals’ wellbeing who took part versus the national average
  • The individuals’ wellbeing score versus the NHS score of 40 which is believed to be indicative of poor wellbeing.
  • The individuals’ wellbeing versus one another.

Using quantitative data to help with forecasting & future decision making

Using percentages makes making comparisons easier to relate to and understand.

We use an example of a cinema and record audience attendance numbers of time.  Attendance could be affected by the popularity of the content of the film, seasonal trends or weather.  The trend line shows the overall audience is growing and then this line can be used to forecast on at the same trajectory.  This will help you to identify if you are likely to achieve your audience targets.

This information can also help you to make decisions about your capacity too and streamline your resources. For example, if you were thinking about moving a cinema location to a larger space, it would be worth looking at the trend line to think about venue size. If you were looking at two venues and one had a capacity of 100, and another 200, you might want to look at what your predicted audience size would be in six months’ time and negotiate the lease or hire accordingly. This is an example of making a data-driven-decision, something we are passionate about at The Evaluator.

Taking notice of negative space in data

It’s important to take note of the 70% who are agreeing but also to take note of the 30% who are disagreeing and find out why this is the case.  It is worth delving a bit deeper into on the minority and finding out what was the cause of their response.

At The Evaluator, we tend to represent 3 answers ‘yes’, ‘no’ and ‘prefer not to say’ in our reporting. If there’s a high number who indicate that they would ‘prefer not to say’ then it would be suggested they might insecure about completing the survey.  Often their indecision is explained in their qualitative answers and this is worth taking note of when creating future surveys.

Dealing with ‘satisficing’ survey responses.

This is the term we use when people respond with the answers that they think you are looking for and may not read all the questions.  An indication of satisficing is when respondents repeatedly choose 3 when presented with a 1-5 scale. We don’t come across these very often, as we spend a lot of time making sure our surveys are easy to complete, and varied, but if we do spot them, we will try and remove these answers from our data analysis.  It’s important to encourage honesty in answering survey questions.

A final tip

All data can be segmented but you do need to think about the time you have to spend on this as it is time consuming.  In segmentation ideally you are looking for what is more than 10% different to the average. In the example of the graph below, it is worth looking at segmenting to see the results demographics of the areas that are 10% above and 10% below the average line.