Entries by Kirsty Rose Parker

New Client; Durham Wildlife Trust

The Evaluator is delighted to work with a new partner, Durham Wildlife Trust, for their Green Recovery funded programme, Healing Nature. Durham Wildlife Trust (their website is here) explains… “Government funding from the Green Recovery Challenge Fund has enabled the Trust to form a Healing Nature project team, tasked with protecting and ecologically restoring important […]

New Project with Existing Client; Jazz North

Jazz North use the tagline, ‘enriching lives through improvisation’ and aim to make the North a leading UK talent hub for Jazz. Their website is here. Jazz North explain “Our goal is to build a strong, sustainable, and diverse jazz sector in the north of England by working in partnership” and they work to support artists, […]

We’re hiring

We’re hiring.   Post One: Project Manager Needed, Salary £37,000 FTE, 20 hours per week with potential to rise to full time in the future. Post Two: Project Officer Needed, Salary £24,000 – £27,000 (depending on experience), Full time   The Evaluator is a fast-growing evaluation consultancy, founded in 2017, by Kirsty Rose Parker. Helping charities and […]

Autumn in the 72 Seasons

Welcome to Autumn, our final adventure in nature. This season has an added layer of poignancy, as there is a sense of ending running throughout. Our seasonal seekers were really engaged this season though, there was a lot of spotting and sharing. Maybe they were making the most of the project while it lasted? Maybe […]

Summer in the 72 Seasons

Summer! It wasn’t the sunniest and warmest of Summers in the main. Maybe all the sunshine was allocated to Spring? I think if I’m honest this season struggled a bit more than the others. Lots of people did manage to go on holidays, including me, and staff shortages meant an extremely busy Summer when not […]

How are you really doing?

The pandemic continues and it has certainly been a tough start to many in 2021. We have felt it ourselves, continually having to make changes, feeling anxious about our health and family and friends, it is not the best situation to be in. But, we wanted to reassure you – you might be doing much […]

72 Seasons on film

We have just made a film all about our 72 Seasons project. This is one of our own projects, funded by the Pendle Hill Landscape Partnership. With artwork by Cath in the Attic, and filmed and edited by Huckleberry Film, this is a lovely video to share. This whole year, 2020, we created a way […]

New Client; Attitude is Everything

We are delighted to be working with a new client, Attitude is Everything, evaluating Beyond the Music. Beyond the Music is an ambitious programme, funded by Reaching Communities from the National Lottery Heritage Fund to encourage more Deaf and disabled people to work in the music industry. Here is an extract from the Attitude is […]