Entries by Kirsty Rose Parker

Successful Client: The £1.6 million Climate FORTH project gets the go ahead

Earlier this year, The Evaluator worked with Climate FORTH (Furthering Our Resilience Through Heritage) on their application to the National Lottery Heritage Fund, where we developed an evaluation framework for the whole project. They have just announced they were successful. That’s always a lovely day, sharing in the success of our clients. The details are […]

Learning about data; Working with qualitative data

From time to time, we share a director’s blog post, where we share some learning about how to use your data (information) better. This is a post all about how to use qualitative data, that’s the information that is made up of words rather than numbers. The chances are that your organisation already has a […]

New Project: Urban Forest Accelerator

The Evaluator is delighted to be starting a new project with National Trust, the Urban Forest Accelerator. We are excited to be working on measuring concepts of urban tree cover, tree equity, environmental justice and developing a new approach to measuring connections. Just as joined up canopies can be more that the sum of their […]

Recent Client Feedback

At The Evaluator, we are committed to learning and improving our work over time. To make sure we achieve this we do evaluate ourselves and ask our clients to give us feedback. Here are some recent results.   And let’s end on a detailed client testimonial, from when The Evaluator worked in partnership with Simon […]

National Research Council Report Published

  Our research report is now published. Nature and Wellbeing in the Probation Service Lancashire Wildlife Trust Nature and Wellbeing Service started running sessions at a Probation Service approved premises in October 2020. Running a number of activities such as landscaping, growing food and working as a team, the project ran twice a week, available […]

New Client: National Trust

The Evaluator is delighted to be working with a new client: National Trust. The National Trust is Europe’s largest conservation charity, who look after nature, beauty and history for everyone to enjoy. They do it with the help of millions of members, volunteers, staff and donors. Without that, they couldn’t care for the miles of […]

Evaluation: To Have and To Heal

When you hear Ancient Egypt for Modern Times, what do you think of? We thought of pyramids, and mummies and actually the whole of Egyptian Culture. We have loved evaluating this project around connecting modern people to ancient themes. This project aims to take the whole of that culture and make it relevant now. Of […]

72 Seasons

72 Seasons is a project we ran which now has an online life. It helps connect people to nature, in amongst their ordinary live and has been proven to enhance wellbeing. If you want to know more, we now have a page with all the 72 Seasons resources and information available in one place. Click […]