72 Seasons – Trees turn Green Again

30th April – 4th May – Trees turn Green Again

Drawing of two trees silhouetted against a plain green background


After the bare, browns of winter trees, now is the time that they begin to regain their green colours. Have a look at Werner’s colours: https://www.c82.net/werner/#greens. These colours of nature were used by Charles Darwin, so he could be certain that the green he described, was the green everyone saw. Can you match the shade of green to specific trees?

Do you know the old saying ‘If the ash comes out before the oak There’ll be a summer soak. If the oak comes out before the ash There’ll be a summer splash.’ Why not have a look and see which is first in your area?
The Woodland Trust, have a free app for identifying British trees, which is available to download for Android & iOS. For more information, see here: https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/trees-woods-and-wildlife/british-trees/tree-id-app/


For more information, check out our 72 Seasons page:  https://www.theevaluator.co.uk/72-seasons/